
Showing posts from January, 2020

new you keto generally only one or two meals

new you keto  generally only one or two meals a day because I'm not usually hungry until at least like 12 p.m absolutely but it's not even necessary okay Chris is like hovering over here so I think he wants to be in the video hey this is Chris he's tired he took the dog in early long walk and it's really cold where we live can I keep going yes okay so the next thing is my personal favorite which is organic coconut flour guys this is Bob's Red Mill organic coconut flour it smells so good it's like shortbread it smells like coconut shortbread and it's it smells so sweet and so delicious like I know that I just wanna like put spoonfuls of it into my mouth I also plan on getting the almond flour from this brand as well just because it's good for baking these are a slightly higher carb because there is shouldn't like sugar added to it but when it comes to like a gluten-free technically keto baking flour this is probably one of the best that you can get an

slimphoria keto your digestive system right you guys

slimphoria keto  your digestive system right you guys that's where a lot of bloat and stuff comes from is from eating e replacement because they have something foreign in their knee they're gonna all of a sudden have for ethical reasons I will never not be vegan I I mean the odd time I accidentally eat dairy but like 99.9 percent of the time I'm so incredibly careful with what I eat and I am incredible ly careful English is hard vegan yogurt and other things like that I have used this on a lot of baking that I've made for Chris who is said at the beginning in this video we are moving in what like seven days six days and so very soon very exciting so then we're gonna have our own pantry and we can fill it with whatever stuff we want however I will just kind of list off some of the stuff that I will be purchasing but great I have this almost empty bag of almonds by almonds and both they're amazing they taste good plain you can also get roasted and salted almonds c

countdown keto meaning the webmaster

countdown keto  meaning the webmaster is 20 kilo the dry mushroom is popular then when you extract the ROG powder it is one kill so the concentration is 20 to 1 and these quality is very important 20 to 1 means you affect the function of Kodama [Music] Jenna Dharma is having the history of more than 5,000 years like this was historical monument for human promotion of the human health [Music] these wellness products is there for the last 5,000 years coming from traditional Chinese medicine Japan and the China acts accepted in those countries like the regular alternative medicines which I am really lucky to understand that and in fact I would like to thank that or dr. Lim for considering us some special privileges maybe according to status are according to our commitment and dull he has  allowed us to go around the world [Music] one of the important causes we have taken up from our ascent our money the most of all creation is to change the lives of the children who have suffered from

gravity theory cream even have a money

gravity theory cream  even have a money to buy a building so we rented this office we only have this mushroom mr. Gannon amapola our G & GL so RGGI we consider one product because we had taken it at the same time okay so the time nobody can believe us because we only have one products we are such a small company in this office we started to tell remember that we are going to start this RDX and then when we're talking about one world one market from this office laughing you know how can you go and do international business with such a building you know but I'm telling the member what is important is not the building Oshima's inside or mind okay the quality of products sorry the qu ality overall is good my self is okay you can start anywhere it doesn't matter [Music] what I find the biggest Frank that we have caught in the co  gravity theory cream Buy   mpany is as the saying goes doctor leave every time you should say simplicity rules the world we try to simplify